Level 2 HMA Mix Design Specialist is a three-day certification course that certifies an individual’s ability to properly design and mix Hot Mix Asphalt. This course takes an individual through the processes needed to sample and test the individual components of materials that go into an asphalt pavement design, blend the design in a laboratory, then test the completed design in accordance with TxDOT test procedures to assure the design meets the required specifications.
A current Level 1A and AGG101 are required to participate in this class.
View the Level 2 Certification Schedule
Level 2 HMA Mix Design Specialists are required to re-certify every three years.
Since Level 1A and AGG101 are pre-requisites to Level 2, if a specialist loses either their Level 1A or AGG101 certification for any reason, the Level 2 Certification is automatically inactive.
Test Procedures
The below test procedures are covered in Level 2. Starred procedures indicate hands-on requirement for certification.*