The SB103 Materials Analyst Specialist certification is a one-day certification course that certifies an individual’s ability to properly sample and test soils and flexible base properties in accordance with TxDOT Test Procedures.
There are no pre-requisites required for this class.
The SB103 Training classes will be one day in length and focus on providing a basic understanding and knowledge of the TxDOT Test Procedures and Specifications. These classes are not pre-requisites to any certification class and participants will not earn certification.
View the SB103 Certification Schedule
There is no demonstration or training; individuals must come prepared to pass examinations of associated test procedures through demonstration, verbal and practical methods.
SB103 Materials Analyst Specialists are required to re-certify every three years by attending a one-day certification course.
If certification expires the specialist may not perform any SB103 responsibilities on a TxDOT project.
Test Procedures
The below test procedures are covered in SB103. Starred procedures indicate hands-on requirement for certification.*
Click to view:
- Tex-100-E Sampling Soils and Base Materials
- Tex-101-E Preparing and Testing Soils and Base Materials (Parts 1 & 2)
- *Tex-128-E pH Testing of Soils and Retaining Wall Backfill
- *Tex-129-E Resistivity of Retaining Wall Backfill Material
- *Tex-145-E Sulfate Content of Materials Using a Colorimeter
- Tex-400-A Sampling Aggregate and Stone Riprap
- Tex-600-J Sampling and Testing Lime (Part 1)